District Performance Report

  • The School Performance Reports reflect the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)’s extensive efforts to engage with parents, students, and school communities and share the information that is most valuable in providing a picture of overall school performance.  

    Use these reports to: 

    • Learn more about a school by exploring all sections of the reports 

    • Start conversations with school community members and ask questions 

    • Engage with your school communities to identify where schools are doing well and where they can improve 

    The 2017-18 New Jersey School Performance Reports are available in several versions:  

    • Detail Performance Reports: These reports are available for all schools, districts, and the state and provide detailed information about schools across many areas: 

    o Student and Staff Demographics o Statewide Assessment Results and Student Growth 

    o College and Career Readiness, Graduation, and Postsecondary o Climate and Environment o ESSA Accountability Results o School and District Narratives  

    • One-page summary reports: The summary reports are available for schools and districts and provide parents, educators, and communities highlights from the district, along with a high-level summary of how well a school or district is performing by addressing the following questions: 

    o How did students perform on assessments? 

    o Are students at risk based on chronic absenteeism rates? 

    o How does student growth in a school compare to other schools in the district? 

    o Are students graduating? 

    o Are students college and career ready? 


    All reports and resource documents, including this guide, are available in English and Spanish.